Friday, February 13, 2009

This one doesn't stay on topic.

Someone left a Newsweek magazine with the headline, "We're All Socialists Now" at work today. I wanted to take it home and read it, but I forgot. Thank God for the Internet. Anyway, one of my co-workers was looking through it for a minute, then said if we got national health care, it would make us socialists."If we get national health care," she said, "I'm leaving the country." 
At the time I didn't say anything, because she and I disagree politically but she's a cool person, so I don't like to get into it. But if I had said something, I would have asked her where it was she was planning to move. The United States is the only wealthy, industrialized country where there isn't some form of universal health care. The only wealthy, industrialized country where keeping your citizens healthy isn't a priority. What is the beef? Why is it such a bad thing to have access to medicine and doctors? If it "doesn't work," how come every government is doing it but us? 

Speaking of government, the widely debated stimulus package is going to be signed by President Obama on Tuesday. Really don't know what's going on with this American Recovery and Reinvestment Act? This is what Obama says about it--and here's where you can tell him what you think about it. I'd read it first, though. There are some comments on it where the people implore Obama to talk to some economists and "do his homework" and let me tell you--he did. Although apparently it's over 1,000 pages long of legalese, and even Congress "didn't have time to read it all." Though why that's suddenly a problem after eight years of not reading any of Bush's bills, I don't know. 

Anyway, most people aren't so mad at the President. Here is an awesome photo gallery from NPR of a huge portrait of Obama and Lincoln made completely out of cupcakes. 

The above is called "Oversoul" by cosmic artist Alex Gray. Check out the Sacred Mirrors, if you haven't already. Extraordinary. 

What's up with the American space program's love affair with littering? Every launch involves some piece of machinery being jettisoned into the stratosphere. Why are we leaving junk all over the universe? Apparently, most of the debris ends up burning up in Earth's atmosphere, but here are 8 Weird Pieces of Space Junk to be on the lookout for if there's ever a Clean Up the Milky Way campaign. 

Everyone knows someone who is into a raw food diet, and while it does help you lose weight alarmingly fast, apparently there was a good reason man learned how to cook

While you're cooking, try out some of these foods which are touted for their ability to get you in the mood. Everyone likes that, right? Right? Unless you're this guy

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